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The books listed below by authors name in alphabetical order, are from the book collection of the Dutch Archtop Guitar Museum. The list is by no means complete, so If you like to add a book, feel free to let us know.

Ken Achard, The History and Development of the American Guitar, 1990
Robert Benedetto, Making an archtop guitar, 1994
Bob Carlin, Regal Musical Instruments 1896-1955, 2011
Walter Carter, The Epiphone Guitar Book, 2012
Walter Carter, Epiphone, The Complete History, 1995
Walter Carter, The Martin Book, 1995
Walter Carter (1st ed.), Gibson, 100 years of an American icon, 1994
Catalog Guernsey’s : The artistry of the guitar, 2014
Catalog Chicago Musical Instruments, general catalog 35
Catalog Continetal Music Company, catalog 1930/31
William R. Cumpiano and Jonathan D. Natelson, Guitarmaking, Tradition and Technology,1993
Tom Dvorak, Marek Rejhon : Bohemian Jazz Guitars Tribute, 2019
Jim Fisch & L.B. Fred, The House of Stathopoulo, 1996
Zachary R. Fjestad, Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars, 12th edition 2009
Paul Fox, The other brands of Gibson, 2011
Frank W.M. Green, John D’Angelico, Master Guitar Builder, What’s in a name? , 2008
Gruhn & Carter, Gruhn’s Guide To Vintage Guitars , 2010
Gruhn & Carter, Acoustic Guitars and other fretted instruments, 1993
Robert Carl Hartman, The Larsons’Creations, 2007
Eltjo Haselhof, Gitarologie, 2013
Ulrich Hoffmeier, Stomping Guitar, 2019
Adrian Ingram, The Gibson L5, its history and players, 1997
Franz Jahnel, Die Gitarre und ihr Bau, 3. Auflage 1977
Richard Johnston & Dick Boak, Martin Guitars : A Technical Reference, 2009
Jonathan Kellerman, With strings attached, 2008
Wim Markenhof, “Egmond” Gitaarfabriek in Nederland, 2009
Hans Moust, The Guild Guitar Book, 1995
Ron Rothman, Harmony, The People’s Guitar, 2008
Jay Scott, ’50’s: Cool Kay Guitars, 1992
Jay Scott, The Guitars of the Fred Gretsch Company, 1992
Paul William Schmidt, Acquired of the Angels : The lives and works of master guitar makers John D’Angelico and James L. D’Aquisto, 1990
Joseph E. Spann, Spann’s guide to Gibson, 2011
Maurice J. Summerfield, The Jazz Guitar, it’s evolution, players and personalities since 1900, fourth edition 1998
John Teagle, Washburn, over one hundred years of fine stringed instruments, 1996
Thom Wheeler, American Guitars, an illustrated history, 1982
Hans-Peter Wilfer (Hrsg), Framus Vintage, Legendäre Musikinstrumente aus drei Jahrzehnten, 2009

Henny de Bruin: Atlas of plucked instruments
Michael Pettersen : Freddie Green website